
Ho Chi MIn - Cu Chi tunnels

Yesterday mommy had to organize a lot of tickets for traveling for bus and plane. ALso we have a tour for today to the Cu Chi tunnels which are about 60 km from Saigon. This is the place where you can see how the Viet Cong (guerillas who were communist friendly with the North and fighting South Vietnam) were living under the ground in order to hide from the US troops who tried to control HCMC. At the site of CuChi were 16000 Viet Cong hiding also women and children in the 200 km wide tunnel net. They cooked also underground and produced bombs out of old not detonated US bombs - all in all it's amazing to see how smart they were - seeing all the traps with spikes makes you sure not ever wanting to be in a war.


This is Robin going into a tunnel and camouflaging the entrance.


We walked in the first and second level underground for about 80 m (80cm wide and 120cm high) quite scary to get stuck, hot, dark, cramped...... and this already was the touristic version - so a little bit bigger than the originals - no wonder it was hell for the GI's to enter a tunnel:


Tomorrow a tour is planned to see the floating market - unfortunately instead of seeing this places on a selfmade trip we had to book a tour since first the weather wasn't so nice so that we decided to not travel through the Mekong delta by ourselves. We will need a little drink in the morning in order to survive the traditional dancing performed for the tourists .... oh well better than not at all... and maybe it won't be so bad after all.

Tomorrow night we will hop on the bus to Mui Ne and the next stops will be Na Thrang, Hoi An, Hue and Hanoi. Realizing how little time is left we had to skip a few stops...=( our flight to BKK will be on Saturday 14th which will give us one day shopping in BKK before we will be heading home.
kurtilein - 31. Jul, 08:00


I like the US.
But it is a fact that the US has led wars since the 40ties of the past century.
First they destroyed the country and than they built it up again.
That helped the US economy and influence.
Nobody cared about the poor civiöians who suffered.

Angi0311 - 31. Jul, 08:53

Online again!

Endlich bin ich auch wieder online! Mein Computer war leider total kaputt und nun ist alles neu aufgesetzt und wieder hergestellt.
Wie ich sehe habt ihr eine sehr aufregende und interessante Reise, bis auf das Robin wieder krank ist. Ich hoffe er wird wieder! Gute Besserung Robin! Und wie gefällt es der Megan? Kathi vermisst dich schon!
Wir sind jetzt seit 2 Wochen hier in Neusiedl totales Nichtstun - herrlich sag ich dir! Nächste Woche ist Jugendwoche, da arbeite ich als Trainerin und dann sind es nur mehr 4 Wochen! Hab die Schulsachen noch nicht einmal angeschaut :)
Wann kommt ihr genau wieder?
Also alle Liebe Angelika, Kathi, Alex und Lachi
chili510 - 31. Jul, 11:04

Hi berit&family,
Ich finde eure Reise supertoll und bin schon auf deine Erzählungen
inklusive der Fotos gespannt. So wie es aussieht, habt ihr schon ganz tolle Erlebnisse gehabt, echt beneidenswert! Da kann man richtig Lust bekommen...... vorallem aufs Essen. Allerdins finde ich so einen kleinen gebratenen Heuschreck solltet ihr schon mal probieren. :-) Ich habs auch überlebt.
Wir warten hier, dass der Sommer wieder zurückkehrt, am WE sollte es wieder schön werden, schau ma mal :-)
Bis zum nächsten Dogabend.
Schreibt weiter so schöne Berichte.
Grüße Edda

beritfamily - 4. Aug, 08:56

Hi Edda,

schoen dass du unsere Berichte verfolgst - ja es ist super und uns gefaellt Vietnam - es ist ja so entweder man trifft Leute die hellauf begeistert sind oder welche, die das Land gar nicht moegen. Ich freu mich auch schon auf eine dogpartie - ich hab' ja eines mit aber es hat sich nicht wirklich etwas entwickelt - wir sind ja auch zu fuenft.

kurtilein - 1. Aug, 07:57


as far as I know the Gi's never entered the tunnels. They were to large and the tunnels were only for slim people.
The Gi's observed only the entrances and waited for the enemy to emerge.

beritfamily - 2. Aug, 13:26

This is not quite true - there were Thais and Vietnam fighters on the GI's side that entered the tunnels and also some smaller GI's tried. They also sent German shepherds dogs into but the Viet Congs fooled them by dressing up with uniforms of dead Gi's, spraying chili at the entrances and washing themselves with US soap organized by Vietnam girls. Also wearing the shoes the wrong way they fooled the directions in which they were going --- all in all very smart actually.

Let's go East!

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