
Marble Mountain - Hai Van Pass - Hue

Leaving Hoi An was sad but necessary. This town really ruins your bookkeeping - there is too much shopping to do and too much nice things to eat. Calories or galleries both were needed to be left behind: We have one big piece of luggage more after I found the same artist of Hanoi who I fell in love with in HCMC and I have my souvenir to bring home! You have to visit me to see this piece of art in our dining room.

This trip today earns the name rip-off a little but it was well worth it. A private car took us the 12 km to the marble mountains. The mountains consist of 5 ball shaped hills about 500m high each named for the natural element: water, wood, fire, metal and earth. We climbed about 350 stairs with some hands-on climbing through caves and were thanked with a spectacular view overlooking the 30km white sand China Beach. Quite a few pagodas and temples consumed some time, the water bottle was soon empty and the T-shirts soaked by at least 40 degrees.
At the bottom of the mountain is a village specializing in marble sculpture. There he was Mr happy Buddha, but I left him in Vietnam thinking that he only might have gotten homesick in my garden.

But now to the rip-off: the driver who was supposed to wait for us at the bottom of the mountain with all our luggage in the trunk left us waiting for an hour because he got another customer. Ok he showed up right on time for us to get to the train in Da NAng. There the train was 2 hours late - our train got moved to 5 o'clock considering the 3 hour ride to Hue and sunset at around 6 I changed the already overcharged tickets (ticket price 56000 Dongs=2.5 bucks - we had paid at the hotel 7 $) for the earlier train (which also was 2 hours late) paying an additional 4 $. Oh well, the views were great. We saw hidden beaches (reachable only by boat) and rice fields over the pass which is the climate divide between North and South Vietnam. All in all awesome!

Arriving at Hue's train station the next scam are the taxi drivers who want to bring you without the meter to the Hotel for 5 bucks - pls keep in mind that about 50$ is an average month earning. But the Amigo hotel (info also for Susi and Ingrid!) is nice only the room in 5th floor requires another shower right away.

Picture load up problem -- the new card reader doesn't work ! damn..
Grammy - 6. Aug, 18:23

What a great adventure!

Dear Berit and Robin and Megan,

I finally have computer access, and I have been sitting her for a long while catching up on all your adventures. I am so pleased that you were able to take this fascinating trip! I wish I could have followed your blogs on a daily basis from the beginning, but my old computer finally crashed for good. At least I can follow you daily for the last part of your journey.

What a different world you are in! It's so exciting to read about what you are experiencing.

beritfamily - 7. Aug, 05:14

HI Grammy,

nice to get a comment from you - we check every day =)
Unfortunately it seems I have busted my memory card of my camera - I bought a card reader last night and tried it out and then suddenly the pics weren't readable anymore - so that means that I am stuck with only the pics I uploaded on this web site. Robin is not so eager taken too many fotos - considering the humid and hot weather it's understandable - sad though for right now. Since I can see that the space is still used I don't want to touch this card anymore and hope for some professional help ---- cry!
ANYBODY READING this and knowing a way out - it's very much appreciated =)

I will keep on writing though... all the best!
kurtilein - 7. Aug, 08:16

acard reader

Robins camera is from Sony and Sony has special cards, which you must buy.
The moct lovely Opa

webermum - 9. Aug, 11:23

Hallo ihr Weltenbummler!

Ich habe euch nicht vergessen.... wir waren nur auf Urlaub und ich hatte weder die webadresse von eurem blog mit, noch wollte ich überhaupt irgendwo online gehen. Ist manchmal gut, wenn man sich ein bisschen von PCs, Handys etc abschneidet.

Na gut, wir sind mittlerer Weile wieder zu Hause, eine Woche früher als geplant, weil die Kinder zur Abwechslung wieder einmal einen Virus irgendwo aufgegabelt hatten - hohes Fieber, undefinierte Bauchschmerzen. Bei Florian bestand Verdacht auf Blinddarmentzündung (starke Bauchschmerzen bei 39,6 Fieber) und wir wurden zu einem Bauchultraschall ins KH überwiesen. Gott sei Dank war's aber nur ein Darmvirus.

Naja, somit sind wir wieder zu Hause. Ich werde mich mal durch euer Webtagebuch durchlesen, damit ich up to date bin. Die Fotos habe ich mir ja schon angesehen. Sind super geworden und geben einen tollen Einblick in eine andere Welt.

Ich schicke euch viele Bussis und freue mich schon auf ein Wiedersehen. Wir würden gerne Daniels Geburtstag irgendwann nach euerer Ankunft feiern. Hast du, Berit, irgendwelche no go Termine zufällig im Kopf?

Bussi Sabine + MÄnner

beritfamily - 9. Aug, 11:31

na das hoert sich ja gar nicht gut an - robin ist auch zieml;ich anfaellig aber eure beiden schlaegt er dann auch nicht wirklich. Sein Husten ist erst nach 2 mal neuerlichem Aufflammen endlich nach 9 Wochen weg - muss wohl doch die Meeresluft sein, die gut tut. Dann waren da Bauchweh und Blasen und Kopfweh und ich-weiss-nicht-was-weh... Megan ist da die wesentlich stabilere.

aber schoen dass du dich meldest - es ist schoen kommentare zu bekommen ./...
nogo termin sind das WE nach dem wir zurueck sind, da bin ich naemlich radlfahren in der wachau mit den handballdamen. ab Mo geht's dann (Megan ist auch wieder vom Turnen zurueck und trainiert - glaub ich - nur vormittags.)
also weiter geht's im blog.....
kurtilein - 10. Aug, 08:45


Ildiko hat für Dich eine Überraschung.
Also vergiss nicht ein kleines Geschenk für sie mitzunehmen.
der allerliebste Papa und die noch liebere Mutti


Let's go East!

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